
This Special Edition includes 78 fashions and patterns for slim figures with a bust or hip measurement between 78 cm and 96 cm.



54 sewing patterns and fashion styles for children.


50 Fashions and patterns for Men.


Best of Classic Styles for the fuller figure. 72 beautiful sewing patterns for dresses, skirts, trousers, jackets etc.


62 Sewign Patterns and Fashion Styles for Fuller Figure.


54 sewing patterns and fashion styles for children. Children patterns for bathrobe, swimming suite, trouser, jackets, shirts, and much much more...


74 Sewing Patterns for fuller figure. Dress Patterns for skirts, trousers, blouses, shirts, dresses and much more

Patrones para coser

Suplemento Clásico Nr. 32


76 estilos de moda y patrones de costura para una figura de tallas grandes.


72 fashion styles and sewing pattern for fuller figure

Sewing Patterns

Men Supplement Nr. 27


70 fashion styles & pattern designs for men

Special Offer
Original price was: £77.76.Current price is: £60.75.

A total of 222 Fashions and Sewing Patterns for fuller figure women.